Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Crushes ::::

Crushes are more beautifuL and better than affairs  ..! ^_•
NO Responsibilities
NO duties 
Noburden feeling! 
Just look at your Crush And smile Like idiots.....!!!   

Late Night facts :::

How to make your girlfrnd happy????

1. Take her out with your friends
You know that she would love to hang out with you when you go out with your friends. Unless you intend on meeting other ladies or pulling some stunts that she might not condone, take your girl out with you. She will have so much fun and love you for it
2. Don't drink, don't smoke
Chris Rock pointed out that men never go home straight from work, they got to go "drink something, meet someone, smoke something..." — you get the idea. And we all know why. But if you really want your lady to be impressed, it's pretty simple: stop drinking, stop smoking
3. Take her out more often
Especially if you do not like to take her out with your friends, then at least make sure that you take her out often. Yes, it would be nice to take her to restaurants, movies and shopping. But you need not $pend like crazy, just spend time with her; that is all she really wants.

4. Listen to her
Sounds simple. Just do it. Guys ask me "how can I make her happy?" No wonder you don't know, you don't listen to her. Successful relationships come down to two factors: how well one listens, and how well one communicates thoughts and feelings. Master one, and then deal with the other.

5. Don't lie to her
White lies, fibs, whatever. I know it's hard, but you have to learn to be honest about everything. You would be shocked to learn how easily things backfire. Especially if your circle of friends is small. Make a habit of being truthful in everything you say and do. You will love this in the end.

6. Get along with her friends
Okay, I get so many e-mails about your girlfriend's friends that do this and that... I know it may be hard, but you should see yourselves as partners in the quest to make your girlfriend happy, and not competition. You should leverage one another, not bicker like children.

7. You will cook something other than macaroni and cheese
Why is it that she brings you something to eat and drink when you come over out of the blue, but the most you have to offer her is macaroni and cheese on good days, and water and crackers in between. Whatever you do, buy a book, take some classes, or just use trial and error. She will be impressed and touched by your efforts.

8. Reciprocity
If she massages you, make sure you give her the backrub of a lifetime. If she would go to any length to please you, then you should do the same. So many women tell me how their men just do not return the favors. Instead of saying enough is enough, they take it all and accept the status quo. Men, don't hate me for saying this, but you will lose your woman if you keep that up
9. Get her what she wants
I always get blasted for implicitly encouraging men to spend money on women. Well, the point is not how much you spend, but how you spend. I know that some of my most successful gifts cost nearly nothing; the idea is that you listened to her when she mentioned something and got her the perfect gift.

10. Get along with the folks
Surprisingly, most of our readers seem to get along with the parents of their loved ones; except for a few that simply seem to have vendettas and feel pure hatred. I know it's easier said than done, but while some girls actually get turned on by the bad boy who hates the parents, most girls really prefer that their men get along with their families. Less hostility makes for a happy girl.

10 Things that will make you happier :::

1. Delete your “friends.” There’s no need to have 2,000 friends on Facebook. Keep the people whom you actually communicate with and care about and ditch the girl who triggers body envy, your younger brother’s middle school friends, and that guy you met at that bar that one time.
2. Create things. Whether it’s writing a blog, making amateur watercolor paintings, or just cooking yourself a fancy dinner, there’s no greater satisfaction than knowing you did something yourself, beginning to end.
3. Get moving. Chances are your life gets progressively more sedentary as you get older: longer periods of time sitting in class during college turn into longer periods of time sitting in the office. Rack up some endorphins and pound the pavement.
4. Write thank you notes. When you express gratitude you realize how many people really do help you out each and every day. Knowing you’ve got a good group of people in your corner is always a reason to smile.
5. Invest in worthwhile relationships. As you get older it becomes harder and harder ot keep up with a growing network. Make sure to take the time to reach out to your friends and loved ones that mean the most to you. Put the same time and effort into the relationships that you feel you’re receiving from them.
6. Compliment other people. Reminding yourself that you have the ability to put a smile on someone else’s face often results in a smile on yours. Plus, you might get a compliment in return.
7. Own your space. Make your space reflect you. Whether  it be neat and tidy or artsy and inspiring, coming home to a place that you’ve put your own stamp on is a great way to end the day.
8. Get dirty. Go outside, hike, nap in the grass, plant a window box, pick flowers.
9. Read books. This is something that’s applicable to any professional path and always worthwhile. You never regret reading a good book. There are books out there about everything; if you claim you don’t like reading, you just haven’t found the right one.

10. Sleep a lot, but not too much. When your work is done, I guarantee you’ll do more good by hitting the hay than by scrolling through your late night Insta feed (there’s never anything good on there anyway) or watching reruns of Boy Meets World. Go to sleep at a decent time and then wake up at one, too.

What Boys like about girls ???

1. The smell of your conditioner
Guys don't get to use strawberry-scented products. But they appreciate that you do. 

2. Your laugh
Don't cover your mouth when you giggle! Dudes are totally into a girl who knows how to laugh for real. It shows them you know how to have fun. 

3. Flavored lip gloss
Four out of five guys admit sweet lips make kissing more exciting — as long as your gloss isn't globbed on superthick. 

4. The way you love tiny things
From your mini backpack to your teeny earings, he notices all the little touches that make you hugely cute. 

5. Your pink cheeks when you're feeling shy or embarrassed
You hate turning red around him, but that pink-cheeked bashful smile melts his heart every time. 

6. Your ability to keep a secret
When your guy needs to talk about the fight he had with his older brother, you can bet he isn't talking about it with his soccer team buddies. You're way more trustworthy. 

7. That you're not afraid to cry
So you tear up at the movies sometimes. He might even tease you a little, but he loves to offer you his shoulder to cry on. 

8. Your obsession with the phone
Hello? Are you talking on the cell phone with your best friend while IMing her at the same time? This bizarre behavior makes you feminine and mysterious. Go figure. 

9. The way you dance
Even if you don't have the dancing skills of Christina Aguilera, dudes think it's sexy and daring when you're out on the dance floor shaking your groove thing. 

10. Your silly screen name 
Kissytinkerbell87? Luvbugjessica? The truth is, some boys think these monikers are charming in a girlie-girl sorta way.

8 things women desperately want from men ::

Superman: Women love to be protected. So show in more ways than one to prove that you will be her saviour should your damsel land in distress! Women are always in awe of men who can step up in times of conflicts. Be sure you grab every opportunity that situation throws at you.
Smell good: Deodorant Ads may be going overboard showing men being lured by women's perfume. But the other way is also true. Choose a deo that suits you. Especially if it's your first date, it's best not to try anything experimental. Know what smells best on you. Remember, what smelt heavenly on your friend might stink on your skin! For everything depends on your body odour. When you spray perfume on your body, what you smell is a combination of the deo spray and your body odour. Choose wise.
Surprises galore: Women love surprises be it chocolates, love notes, gifts or even a bouquet of flowers. Women don't mind them in any numbers. You are sure to score brownie points with this one!
Transparency: Honesty is still the best policy. Never lie to her if you are thinking of a long-term relationship. Never mind you will face some initial flak, but eventually you will win over her trust.
Perfect body: What with the celebrities being obsessed with getting a six pack or eight pack abs, girls too go over men with a well-toned body. Get into the habit of regular workout so you can make heads turn!
Dress well: Nothing turns off a women than a poorly-dressed man. Do a style-check, spot the trends in fashion, speak to a stylist to find out what looks best on you. Clothes maketh man literally!
Crowning glory: Nothing like a funky haircut! A good hairstyle can give you a different look altogether. What are you waiting for? Get that stunner look so you can impress that chick you have been eyeing.

Magic of your hands: You might have taken your girlfriend to the hottest restaurants in town, yet she will not mind if you can cook one of her favourite dishes (or even plain instant noodles) when she's hungry. Such moments are never forgotten.

Can u???

What Photoshop can do????

Facts about Exam :P

What girls say and what they actually mean ::

"We need to talk" = I need to complain about you

"Have fun at the party" = do not have fun at the party

"You don’t need to buy me a present" = you need to buy me a very expensive gift

"Yes" = no

"No" = yes

"I’m very adventurous" = I’ve slept with every guy who gives me even a hint of attention

“are you hungry?” = take me to dinner

“we’re going to be late” = yes it took me five hours to get ready but it’s all your fault so drive faster who cares it’s your insurance not mine

“you seem like a player” = I find you interesting

“you’re such a jerk” = I am attracted to you

“so why did you break up with your ex girlfriend” = what’s wrong with you

“it’s getting kinda late” = I’m not going to have sex with you

“so are we together” = I want you to stop f*cking other women

“do you like me” = I like you

“we have different values” = I found somebody else to fvck 

“I am tired of drama and BS” = I am very attracted to a**holes

“I like your friends, but..” = I don’t like your friends

“I want a man to spoil me” = im already having sex with one guy, but now i need an AFC to spend money on me

“I’ve been really busy” = I don’t like you

“Who’s that girl you were talking to” = are you having sex with that girl

"I want to be friends first" = guys just pump and dump me so now im gonna take my insecurities out on you and make you wait

"Im not ready for a relationship right now" = im not ready for a relationship with you, ever

"I just don’t want a boyfriend right now" = I don’t want you as a boyfriend, ever

"That’s okay" = I want to think long and hard about how I’m going to make you suffer

"I’ll be ready in 5 minutes" = I’ll be ready in 2 hours

"You don’t know how to communicate" = you need to do what I tell you

"We can always still be friends" = there is no way in hell I’m going to let any part of your body ever touch any part of mine, ever again

"I like you but.." = I don’t like you

"There’s no one else I swear" = I’m banging two of your best friends

"I love sex" = I love sex with other people, but not with you

"I can’t believe I did that" = i do that all the time with other guys

"I’ve never done that before!" = I do that all the time with other guys but will only do it with you once in a while so you think you’re special

"We’re moving too fast" = I’m not ready to sleep with you again until I find out if the bad boy I got the hots for is out of prison yet

"Do I look fat" = everything is going perfect so we need to fight

"I cant believe i just sent you that picture!" = I do this all the time

What Girls want ???

1.   Someone who shows an interest in my life, who I am, and how I became that person
Ask questions! Show an interest! Don’t you really want to know who you are with?  And if you are really interested in that person, you would want to know all of this information. [2]
2.   Acknowledgement of special occasions
True: I’m the girl who says she doesn’t want anything for Valentine’s Day, and secretly does. [3] But I’m not looking for a cheap box of candies; I’m looking for a thoughtful gesture. Because even though I’m not asking for anything, I’m still looking for proof that you care. [4]
3.   Appreciation on ordinary days
Did she make you a cake? Dinner? Do your laundry? Make you smile?  Watch your favorite TV show with you?  Tell her—a simple and sincere “thank you” will suffice.
4.   Someone who likes my imperfections and embraces his own
No one is perfect. Accept it. If you don’t close a cabinet door, or you leave the toothpaste out, or you have a weird freckle on your left knee, those aren’t deal breakers.  Don’t get too picky, because someone could point out your imperfections just as easily. [5]
5.   Someone who is excited to see me and proud to be with me
Introduce her to your friends (when you are ready, of course!) and always let her know that you are happy to see her.
6.   Someone who is already on their own path (not living in their parent’s basement)
I get it! Sometimes, especially in this economy, we have to compromise regarding our living situations.  But honestly, if you aren’t on a road to independent living, grown-up style, that is a problem.
7.   Someone who wants a commitment and marriage
If you have commitment issues or are just looking for simple, unattached companionship, make it known early and often.
8.   Someone who compliments me and accepts my compliments
Be confident enough in yourself to welcome compliments, and confident enough to give them.
9.   Someone who gives as much to me as I give to them
It is exhausting doing all of the work. Just sayin’.
10.  Someone who likes simple things—like taking the dog on a walk after work
Ordinary things are just plain awesome sometimes. Spending 20 minutes to walk with your lady and her dog (or just your lady) says more than you realize.  I think guys sometimes overthink what we really want.

Things Women want from men ::

1. When we talk 'listen', it shows us that you care about our feelings.
2. Men should be smart enough and understand that not all our bad moods are connected to PMS-ing.
3. Guys, developing an EQ (Emotional quotient) would help. That however, does not mean that they need to cry at the drop of a hat, it just means you need to be more sensitive towards us.
4. With women communication is the key, so try and talk to us often.
5. Here are some traits we wish men would display - chivalry, making an extra effort with our friends and family, because we do the same!
6. Cook for us once in a while - this one may sound like a cliche, but we love surprises so an occasional effort wouldn't hurt, would it?
7. Your machoism is not directly proportional to the speed at which you drive your car. Rash driving is so uncool.
8. Be protective, not possessive, hear that?
9. We need our man to proclaim love all the time and we leave it to you as to how you wish to show it.
10. Remember the quickest way to lose a woman is to lie to her; so be honest.

What men want in women ???

1. A woman with her own life : Ladies, please note that he doesn't want someone clingy. If you are one person who has her own set of friends and can hang out by yourself, you are closer to hitting the jackpot.
2. No first move: OK, so is it ladies first or do men get be gentlemen and ask the lady out? The guy likes a woman who never makes the first move. He wants to decide how he's going to woo you serenade you - so be a lady and let him!
. Love's in the air: Does your heart beat faster when you see him? Does his voice make you want to see him? While some may experience these, others may feel a sense of comfort and security when with him. This makes for a good foundation to take the relation ship.
4. Show you care : Someone said don't sweat the small stuff. But in a new relationship you definitely need to! Doing little things to show to him that you care will make his heart grow fonder.
5. Sexy yes, slutty no : Don't indulge in PDA right off the bat - you are likely to scare him off! Men like to take it slow and prefer being nonsexual but flirty in the initial stages of the relationship.
6. Wait for sex:  Don't jump into bed on your first date. Sex can effectively ruin what could otherwise be a beautiful relationship. Both of you may end up having very little in common other than sex. So wait a while before you seal the deal.
7. No-nonsense : A man wants a woman he can respect. If he knows he can't get away with anything, he's likely not to go down that path. Also, don't date a guy who is seeing other women, married or abusive - they are just not worth it.
8. Be his buddy: Make him feel good in front of his friends and important people. Don't laugh at him but with him.
9. Lay off: If you are the kind who will call, text and mail your man umpteen times a day, rest assured he will run out the door in a jiffy. Don't badger him, especially about the future. Take it as it comes and things will just fall in place!
10. Good attracts good : If he is well-mannered and gentlemanly, then you have scored a 100! As dating experts say, "Good manners are a sign of what kind of man he is." Ensure that you have similar values and he's dependable and truthful.

Why 24-27 not good age for men ????

Comedy Nights with Kapil :::::::: :)

Comedy Nights with Kapil ::: :)