Wednesday 27 November 2013

What girls say and what they actually mean ::

"We need to talk" = I need to complain about you

"Have fun at the party" = do not have fun at the party

"You don’t need to buy me a present" = you need to buy me a very expensive gift

"Yes" = no

"No" = yes

"I’m very adventurous" = I’ve slept with every guy who gives me even a hint of attention

“are you hungry?” = take me to dinner

“we’re going to be late” = yes it took me five hours to get ready but it’s all your fault so drive faster who cares it’s your insurance not mine

“you seem like a player” = I find you interesting

“you’re such a jerk” = I am attracted to you

“so why did you break up with your ex girlfriend” = what’s wrong with you

“it’s getting kinda late” = I’m not going to have sex with you

“so are we together” = I want you to stop f*cking other women

“do you like me” = I like you

“we have different values” = I found somebody else to fvck 

“I am tired of drama and BS” = I am very attracted to a**holes

“I like your friends, but..” = I don’t like your friends

“I want a man to spoil me” = im already having sex with one guy, but now i need an AFC to spend money on me

“I’ve been really busy” = I don’t like you

“Who’s that girl you were talking to” = are you having sex with that girl

"I want to be friends first" = guys just pump and dump me so now im gonna take my insecurities out on you and make you wait

"Im not ready for a relationship right now" = im not ready for a relationship with you, ever

"I just don’t want a boyfriend right now" = I don’t want you as a boyfriend, ever

"That’s okay" = I want to think long and hard about how I’m going to make you suffer

"I’ll be ready in 5 minutes" = I’ll be ready in 2 hours

"You don’t know how to communicate" = you need to do what I tell you

"We can always still be friends" = there is no way in hell I’m going to let any part of your body ever touch any part of mine, ever again

"I like you but.." = I don’t like you

"There’s no one else I swear" = I’m banging two of your best friends

"I love sex" = I love sex with other people, but not with you

"I can’t believe I did that" = i do that all the time with other guys

"I’ve never done that before!" = I do that all the time with other guys but will only do it with you once in a while so you think you’re special

"We’re moving too fast" = I’m not ready to sleep with you again until I find out if the bad boy I got the hots for is out of prison yet

"Do I look fat" = everything is going perfect so we need to fight

"I cant believe i just sent you that picture!" = I do this all the time

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